until move-in day

Coin Return is a community-owned online forum and non-profit organization

Member Supported

Coin Return is always ad-free thanks to the financial support of its membership, but there is no obligation to contribute and no cost to participate.

Human Moderated

Good moderation is too important to leave up to AI. Human volunteers keep our community free of bigotry, trolls, and harassment.

Community Owned

We are not beholden to corporate ownership and have no obligation except to provide our members with a fun, reliable, and safe third space.

User Driven

No algorithm controls what you see. Watch the threads you want without being baited into engaging with topics you're not interested in.

How You Can Help

Contribute Financially

Coin Return remains ad-free through the donations of its membership.

Spread the Word

If someone you know is looking for an online community like this one, send them our way!

Participation is Enough!

Just by posting in the forum, you're improving the community - by sharing your thoughts, stories, perspectives, art, etc. you're making this place more vibrant!